You say that the average person probably has no reason to need credit monitoring, but I bet the thousands of people who had their identity stolen last year wish they had it before hand. Thats sort of like saying there is no need for GAP insurance on a car. Im pretty sure the highest possible FICO score is 850, and thats almost impossible to obtain. If something is showing your FICO score as 860, it probably isnt a true FICO score. @ Eric Its true that how to check free credit report Lansing hard pulls temporarily how to check free credit report Lansing lower your credit score. But when shopping for an auto loan or a mortgage, you have a two week window to shop around. annual free credit report from government
So if you go to multiple mortgage lenders in a two week period, only the first inquiry will impact your score. I work for a sub-prime mortgage lender, and I can tell you that my company scores married couples using the primary borrowers credit scores (primary borr being the one making the most money). The co-borrowers scores are reviewed, but only how to check free credit report Lansing because we have a minimum co-borrower score of 500 to even qualify for the loan. free gov credit report If your wife is in school and has no source of income, putting her on the loan would probably hurt your loan amount potential.
For joint ownership purposes, you can still have her on the title for the house, which is separate from the actual loan. The big negative effect of her not being on the actual mortgage is that her credit scores wouldnt go up as you pay off the loan, but you could always refinance once shes out of school and has had a how to check free credit report Lansing job for at least two years.
Im not saying that this is advice that rings true at every lending institutionjust how your situation would play out at my particular company. credit report free 3 How Ironic I just put how to check free credit report Lansing a fraud alert on my credit score as someone at my alma matter Georgetown University left an external hard drive with 38,000 past and present students SSNs on it sitting in ther office unsecured over the Xmas holiday.
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